Blimey - this year is just flying by. With all the effort I have been putting into my photography blog, I haven't been writing here nearly enough. I thought I would begin to rectify that by starting a new, monthly feature. I will be posting up five favourite memories / photos / things from the month as it draws to a close.
I also invite you to do the same and link up to your posts in the comments - will be fun to see what people have enjoyed each month.
Here goes...
1. A little holiday, with my Mum, to Amsterdam.
2. A fun weekend with a brilliant friend (I also love the bright yellow rapeseed fields at the moment).
3. My favourite flowers were in bloom at the start of the month. So many fond memories of my childhood garden, when I see these.
4. My first paid photography shoot. So excited to be taking steps forward with my little business.
5. A couple of days chilling out in Derbyshire with this lovely lady.
That's my five favourites from April. What are yours?