The meandering thoughts of a modern-day hearth witch.

Tuesday, 9 October 2012

Wheel of the Year // Autumn

Autumn is here...

The leaves are starting to turn - golden, bronze, red and copper - and drop to the ground. I am excited to get to the day when they are crunchy and I can kick my way through them. 

I truly love this time of year, even though I am filled with apprehension about what it signifies: winter and the cold months. The darkness doesn't suit me - I mourn the loss of the light more with each passing year. It seems to affect me more than it ever used to and I long to hibernate. 

But autumn I love.

I am looking forward to the smell of wood-smoke and mulled cider; the sight of an array of pumpkins and gourds decorating the green-grocer's windows; wrapping up warm in my scarf, gloves and boots on a crisp, bright day; and of course my favourite holiday sabbat - Hallowe'en (or Samhain, as I call it). 

The countdown to Hallowe'en begins here. Last year I filled this space with autumnal recipes, ideas and rituals for celebrating this magickal time of year. My intention is to do the same this year but I would also love to hear yours - so please do leave comment with a link to your autumnal posts.

Brightest blessings. 

4 musings:

Boho Mixology said...

I adore autumn also for many of the same reasons :) those photos are amazing love them and blue coat is just gorgeous! you look amazing.

Zoe xx

Kath said...

I am an October baby and Autumn has always been my favourite season.
I love your coat, I have a top that colour which always gets compliments.
Looking forward to your Autumn posts.

Celia said...

i LOVE autumn too!! i am an october baby too and so i think that's why i love it so. your pictures are beautiful....such vibrant autumn colors.

OathBoundSecrets said...

Stunning photos!!! Thank you for sharing :) Blessings )O(

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