I have been wanting to write this post for a while now and it was the inspirational words of Faerwillow over at ~serendipity~, with her thoughtful 'giveaway' that have provided me with a clear sign to get my thoughts down.
Three is a number which many would say they find magickal or sacred. In physics, we consider our universe to have three spatial dimensions; many Christians consider the Holy Trinity to represent the three aspects of their deity; in Hinduism, the Trimurti - Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva - represent 'the creator', 'the preserver' and 'the destroyer' of life and creation. Similarly, Bhuddhists look towards the 'three jewels' for guidance, Judaism is filled with symbolic 'threes' including the three sections of the Hebrew Bible.
In Wicca and neo-paganism there is the Triple-Goddess - three representations of the stages of life the Goddess travels through during the year (maiden, mother and crone) - as well as the threefold law of return by which many choose to live.
Much like Faerwillow, I find that much of my life is influenced by this magickal little number and during this Spring season of renewal I have been reminded of a daily ritual I used to perform, particularly while I was studying at university.
During this time I found that so much of my day was taken up with intellectual pursuits and I felt my life was out of balance as a result. Consequently, I took up the practice of setting myself a 'threefold' task each day. I had to make sure, by the end of the day, I could say I had done three things: one to nourish my body, one to improve my mind and one to soothe my soul or spirit.
This is something I wish to take up again now. As so much of my time is focussed upon teaching others, I wanted to ensure I was also continuing to learn, grow and create myself.
And so today, my three will be as follows...
~ a run through the woodland walkways near my parents' home ~
~ watching this week's fantastic Wonders of the Solar System programme ~
~ photographing my rare Snake's Head Lilies in the garden ~
Don't forget to check out Faerwillow's wonderful post and giveaway right here...

Brightest blessings!
1 musings:
~what a SWEETPEA you are...thank you for your kind words and for passing along my giveaway...much luck sent to you! i l♥ve this post...a wonderful idea of yours the threefold task a day...i will have to implement this into my own life as well...l♥vely one are you...well wishes and brightest blessings~
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